The Champions Center is proud to introduce the
Champions All Breed Association!
Join us for our inaugural season:
December 31 - January 1, 2023
February 11 - 12, 2023
April 29 - 30, 2023
June 3 - 4, 2023
June 24 - 25, 2023
July 15 - 16, 2023
September 2 - 3, 2023 (Fall Finale - More information to come) *Dates subject to change*
Mission Statement: “We aim to create a fun, friendly and competitive atmosphere where all equine enthusiasts can pursue their passion. It is a privilege to be in the presence of such majestic creatures, and we take that very seriously. We plan to drive the enthusiasm in both young and aged members while competing in a remarkable facility and giving back to our members as they support our organization.”
Show association points begin December 31, 2022. Membership sign-ups begin during the 2022 Hi-Point Buckle Series.
The Champions Center is seeking excited and energetic members and volunteers for the 2023 season, contact championscenter05@gmail.com for more information.
